The Ice Man

By Blaine Martin

In June of 2020 America was in the beginning of a pandemic. I was working as a supervisor for a food distribution company in Pennsylvania and the hours were long. I was working a 4-10 schedule which is 4 days of 10 hours and then 3 days off. It’s not a bad schedule in most warehouses I suppose but due to the nature of this particular warehouse I usually worked four twelve hours shifts a week.

On my off day’s I would work out if my body allowed it then read or watch documentaries on YouTube. Vice in particular is a go-to for documentaries and I would watch them back to back. One off day while relaxing at home I came across a Vice episode called “The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman.” The course of my life changed after watching the documentary.

Wim Hof is a Polish man who has broken many world records in extreme temperatures with his breathing techniques and cold immersion therapy. I started doing the breathing techniques and immediately noticed a difference in my mood, stress levels, and productivity. I was sold. The breath work became part of my everyday routine first thing in the morning.

I also started easing myself into cold showers and eventually sitting in a tub full of cold water and ice for as long as 18 minutes.

The effects are profound and these practices will be a part of my daily routine for the rest of my life. For more information on Wim Hof check out his website (he doesn’t sponsor me in anyway) this is all just information. Wim Hof Method. If you’re interested in the vice documentary you can also check that out on YouTube here.

By Blaine Martin

Once you know the way to your spiritual destiny, you can change. One you realize that there are no limits in your mind Once you realize there are no boundaries to what is possible, you can change.

Wim Hof