About me

Like most people I have a story. I’m originally from St. Thomas U.S Virgin Islands but I moved with my family from the Islands at a very young age to Maryland which is the state I like to call home now. I’m currently on my coding journey with web development while I also pursue other things (more to come). In this blog I’ll be detailing my experiences within tech as a newcomer and also some personal life experiences of my own. Lets go…

Why I decided to quit my job and pursue a career in programming.

By Blaine Martin

I’ve worked… and worked.. and worked. I’m 37 years old and all my life I’ve been trying to work hard. I enlisted in the military and after fulfilling my military obligations I went to college and earned a Bachelor’s degree. Why would I eventually quit a great paying job to pursue a career in a field I have no knowledge of? It’s simple… I wanted more and I knew I was capable of it.

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